Energy Massage

Energy Massage


Energy  Massage

Thai Oil

The specific type of massage originating from Thailand, combines forms of pressure on the whole body with the fingers, elbows and forearms. Special oils from selected herbs come into contact with your skin, offeringy our body deep relief. That type of massage is more intense than the relaxing massage, both to stimulate your muscles and strengthen them.


Relax Massage

Τhe relaxing massage offers relaxation to all the tissues and muscles of the body and renews both your body and your spirit while taking away the stress 

Back, Neck and Shoulders

This is a type of massage that isolates the areas of the back, neck and shoulders, devoting all its focus to the upper torso of the body. It is ideal for people who work in an office. Massage is not medicine, but it can certainly keep you away from many drugs and give you harmony, well-being and a more meaningful relationship of self-respect and self-esteem with the home of your soul, that is, your body.

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